BEFF Merging

Here you will find components you can use to merge with beff:

About parachutes:

Classic Bag
Style (drawable) Side: C1 Outfit

The Classic Bag is the primary bag for the following items, this is the item you can expect to spawn in with:

  • Torso 1
  • Shoes
  • Pants
  • Accessories
  • Gloves
  • Masks
Israel bag
Style (drawable) Side: C2 Outfit

The Israel Bag is the primary bag for the following items, this is the item you can expect to spawn in with:

  • Logos
  • Torso 2
  • Armour
Israel & Classic

Both bags work for these items:

  • Pants
  • Gloves

About merging:

Merging is not restricted to particular components, its based on one basic principle: if we beff a texture onto an item set where that texture doesn’t exist, it creates a merge component.

Each item is controlled by placing the appropriate style (known as the drawable) on the correct side, ie console 1 or 2 outfit, and using the right bag for the item.

You can figure out where the low texture (the zero side) goes by learning which bag triggers which item.

The colour we want the item to change into (known as the texture) goes on the opposite side.

If there are more items in the texture set than the item set, it creates an invisible component which we then use for merging.

For example:

We know there are 19 available Cargo Pants, and 15 available Jeans. We know the primary bag to beff pants is the Classic so we know the style (zero side or low texture) would be the C1 outfit and we will apply the Jeans. We apply the Sand Cargo Pants (texture 19) to our C2 outfit (the texture side) and tell the outfit to try to make Jeans in a number 19 colour. Jeans do not exist in that colour and it will therefore create a merge.